- Yuvarang 2022-23
- Gymkhana
- Facilities
- Important Instructions for Students
- Code of Conduct and Discipline
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Important Instructions for Students
1.All candidates for admission to the College must acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations of the College. They will be bound by these, if admitted.
2. Students are requested to display their Identity Cards while they are on the campus. The Identity Card must be produced whenever demanded by the Principal or other competent authority.
3. Every student shall attend classes regularly and punctually. Any student absent from classes consecutively for two days or more shall report the same to the class teacher.
4. The conduct of students on the College campus and in hostels should conform to the highest standards of courtesy, decency and dignity. Students are expected to maintain the noble traditions of the College in discipline and to respect the staff as well as visitors.
5. Students should occupy their seats in their respective class rooms immediately after the second bell.
6. Students whose classes are free are not allowed to loiter on the verandah or crowd on the premises.
7. Students are expected to co-operate in keeping the college building and the campus neat and tidy. Writing or making marks on the walls or furniture is strictly prohibited.
8. Prior permission of the Principal is necessary for: Organizing or attending special meetings, entertainments or social functions in the College or in the hostel or on its premises. Using loud speakers, megaphones etc., in the College or on its premises. Inviting persons who are not members of the teaching staff of the College for any function in the College or in the hostels. Collection of subscription of any kind from the students or members of the staff. Putting up any notice board in the College or elsewhere on its premises.
9. Notices signed or countersigned by the Principal and published on the College notice board shall be considered as having been brought to the attention of the students and the staff.
10. The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco in any form is forbidden on the College premises.
11. Any student suspended from the College shall not come to the College or its premises during the period of suspension except with the permission of the Principal.
12. Students are forbidden from engaging in any activity which would interfere with the work and life of the College.
13. The authority of the Principal in matters of discipline extends to the conduct of students outside the College.
14. As per the Government orders, students are not permitted to use mobile phones on the campus.
15. As per the directions of the Director of Technical Education, An Antiragging cell is functioning in the college. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus.
16. Students should park their vehicles only in the allotted parking area.
Campus should be kept clean and tidy. Students should dispose waste materials in the bins provided
Students are expected to align their behavior with the Code of Conduct.
1. Shall read, understand and comply with institutes policies and take responsibility for actions.
2.Shall abide by the institutions policy to value and support an institute community that is diverse in gender, caste, creed, religion, region, nationality, educational background, talent, skill, and experience.
1. Shall be in time to the institution.
2. Shall wear the ID card and follow dress code.
3. Shall be regular and punctual to the classes and maintain75% attendance to be able to appear for final examination.
4. Follow the instructions of the teacher carefully in the classrooms.
5. Maintain perfect order and strict silence inside the lecture hall/ drawing hall/laboratories/clubs and the corridors.
6. Be attentive in class, to bring calculators, drafter, charts and data handbooks as per the schedule of the classes.
7. Meet all deadlines of assignments, submission of projects and lab records.
8. Abide by the rules of various laboratories and not damaging the equipment’s.
9. Cultivate the habit of looking at the notice boards of the institute/department every day.
10. Attend all counseling sessions convened by their mentors and feel free to explain their academic/personal/career difficulties and seek solutions.
11. Maintain silence in the library and utilize its resources and space without causing damage.
12. Not to be in the canteen during working hours of the institute.
1. To note, to follow principles of progressive discipline and any violence on the campus, destruction of the institute’s property, manhandling of a person in the campus, and misbehavior with girl students will be viewed seriously. Erring persons will be liable for academic or financial consequences, if sustained they will be liable to disciplinary action such as suspension or rustication for specific period etc.
2.Note that defacing of the campus buildings, walls by writing on them or sticking bills, posters is prohibited. Also damaging the notices and posters displayed in the departments is forbidden.
1. Academic integrity must be maintained while pursing academic studies. To falsify or alter records of academic performance is an academic misconduct. To note that all types of malpractices and unfair means in the examination hall inclusive of the assault on invigilators, misbehaving in the examination hall, enabling other students to be dishonest and impersonation are serious and punishable offences as the malpractice guidelines.
Participate in various events, seminars, workshops organized by the institution and contribute towards their success.
2. Student participation is encouraged and must be strengthened through the involvement of students in all levels of college governance.
When attending events outside the campus and representing the institution, the code of conduct will still be in effect.
1. Communicate opinions to others in a fair and constructive manner.
Voice any differences of opinion respectfully and directly to those members with whom you disagree and not in common areas.
2. Shall dressed in respectable attire, keep personal hygiene, tidiness, be well groomed and wear the institutes identification cards at all times.
3. Use Institutes resources (facilities, equipment, supplies, vehicles) lawfully
Avoid use of mobile phones in classrooms and common areas.
4. Not to form any formal and informal groups on the basis of caste, community and religion.
5. To note that the scholarship amount will be released only when all the scholarship holders put in 75% attendance.
6. To furnish in their own interest, the change in the address/ mobile numbers of parent/ guardian, if any, to the office/department.
Violation of University rules is strictly prohibited.
Promote sustainability and reduce the impact on environment in all our actions.
7. Make the institution a safe place to work and learn. Adhere to good health and safety practices and comply with all health and safety laws and regulations. All students of the institution should abide by this policy. The institution will not tolerate misconduct and violations are subject to disciplinary actions.
9. The aggrieved student would submit in writing his/her grievance to the HOD/Principal.
1. Warning, suspension, monetary fines, dismissal, upholding of degree are the program of actions which may be taken when a student has been found to have violated the student code of conduct.